THE National Executive Council has recently endorsed the National Anti-Corruption Plan of Action 2020-2025.
Prime Minister James Marape said Cabinet noted the contents of the submission and endorsed the National Anti-Corruption Action Plan and its Monitoring & Evaluation Framework.
The Prime Minister said Cabinet has directed the Heads of Departments and Agencies named in the Plan to join the composition of the National Anti-Corruption Taskforce (NACTF) that will be co-chaired by the Heads of the departments of Prime Minister & NEC and Justice and Attorney General.
He said the similar make-up of the NACTF will be made for the Technical Team.
“The NACTF has been endorsed to function as an anti-corruption policy oversight and coordination body to implement the intentions of the National Anti-Corruption Strategy 2010 – 2030,” Prime Minister Marape said.
“NACTF will also approve and make important decisions pertaining to the implementation of the National Anti-Corruption Plan of Action 2020-2025 and other anti-corruption matters it considers and deems fit and appropriate from time to time.”
The Prime Minister said Cabinet has also endorsed full Government Budget Support to fund the Programmes of Work (POW) for the Plan, including Department of Treasury to support the 2021 Anti-Corruption recurrent budget and draw finances from external funding support and technical expertise for all the POWs within the five-year term of the Action Plan.